Monday, September 5, 2011

Dan in Real Life

Today I  am watching one of my favorite movies, Dan in Real Life. It's a heartwarming funny story about love and family. That sounds cheesy I know but it really is much more than that. The reason I decided to see this movie, when it first came out, was because the hilarious Steve Carell and the lovely talented Juliette Binoche both star in it (pictured above). I was pleasantly surprised by how much I loved all the characters, the setting, and the soundtrack. Most of the movie is set in the Grandparent's home and all the family is visiting. The home, filled with laughter, reminds me of the trips my family and I take up to northern california and we all stay in my aunt and uncle's home for the holiday. Times with my family are very dear to my heart and Dan in Real Life makes me feel at home. One of the many reasons I fell in love with this movie is the music and how it plays a character in the story. It is mostly acoustic and sung by a very talented and handsome singer from Norway, Sondre Lerche. (pictured below) No matter what kind of day I am having I can listen to Sondre Lerche and his songs make me feel at ease. My recommendation for you is to watch this wonderful movie and enjoy a heartfelt funny story with music that will melt your heart.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Cold Weather

I want cold weather! This past week it was over 100 degrees almost everyday. I am not a fan of being at school in this weather, especially when half of my classes don't have air conditioning. What sounds good to me is cold rainy weather. When the hills by my house turn to an Ireland green and the smoggy air is gone for the day. I love dressing for cold weather with coats, scarves, and boots. Its the type of weather that you snuggle up on the couch with hot cocoa with a favorite book or movie. One of my favorite movies to watch on rainy days is Pride and Prejudice. I will most definitely dedicate an entire blog post to my love for Pride and Prejudice! I just love cold weather because it makes me think of the many warm memories with my family during the holidays and having a cup of tea, wrapped in a blanket, wearing my fuzzy socks. For now, I will enjoy this season of my life while I paitently wait for cooler weather :)

Friday, September 2, 2011

New Journey.

This blog is a new journey of mine. I am excited to see what it will be. For now I would just like to say HELLO. As I am writing this, at 11:24 p.m. on a Friday Night, I feel blessed. For the moment everything is alright with the world and I feel content. Unfortunatley life is not always like this. You don't live your life on the mountaintops. I have found that I grow the most when I am living in the valleys of life. When I am struggling, I depend on God more and I trust in his everlasting plan for my life. That is all for this evening. I am looking forward to sharing my experiences with you, whether I am on the mountaintops enjoying the view or  struggling through cold dark valleys, my desire is to praise God no matter what circumstances I find myself in. Farewell and have a blessed weekend :)